哈哈,繼昨天的"妳跟他媽媽說"爸爸之後,今天更有趣了開懷大笑班上優秀的小Henry,媽媽姓藍,爸爸姓潘,一年多來都是媽媽在簽聯絡簿,上週媽媽特地交代說她要出國一陣子,聯絡簿如果簽的二二六六的話要多多包含。我是不在意的, as long as he learns happily。原本像是我們老師如果是代課的話,簽名的時候會加上一個代字 如: Caroline 以作區隔 。今天我看到小Henry的本子:

家長簽名:潘伊師 代 

哈哈!這是代理爸爸的意思嗎?還是責任分工制的。當媽媽不再,爸爸要"代理"照顧孩子。But I think it might be even funnier cause his mom told me that his grandpa (who takes him to school every time) would sign in his communication book. I haven't figured it out yet, but I can't help but wonder why males play a rule as a "sub". 看來,真的責任分工制從石器時代到現在久恆不變。


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