目前分類:碎念 (31)

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卡洛琳 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

我以前非常痛恨被問的問題TOP 1. “妳結婚了沒?” (等級同等於你什麼時候結婚),因為通常會這樣問的人都是和你極不熟,既然是極度不熟,這一切都關你闢室,但現在可以問了。現在最討厭被問的問題TOP1是:你吃過了嗎?”我真的是很恨別人問這樣的問題,I know this is the Chinese way of saying “Hello~ How are you?” but I really hate it. TOP 2.不相干的人每到用餐時間問:要吃什麼?”我都已經很苦惱了,請你不要增加我的困擾丟問題給我,請你走開。

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為什麼公司都要block住我們的email...有時能用有時又不能用...嚎啕大哭 要命啦...

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  • Dec 29 Mon 2008 18:28
  • 很Low

一整個low掉了。真的沒有必要把情侶之間正在進行式的出軌骯髒事自爆公開在大家面前,而且一切都是捏造的!!什麼狂激吻,什麼原諒,什麼長跑,什麼什麼。。 。  又不是沒有名氣,玉女沒有必要真的把自己搞到這種地步,金童也看不到金在哪裡,只有消費大眾的嫌疑(其實根本就是!!),這個真的很low,應該還有更高明的方法吧,可以去佛教國家結婚啊!!獻上好歌一首,「Low」。


FLO Rida-Low


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I’m so tired, and have been so busy this month. Several things that already kill me this December


1. The weather + the heater in the office (which we don’t really need lah!!嚎啕大哭)

2. More work load (which is still okay because I LOVE my job!!)

3. Seminars

4. Short of sleep on Sundays



So there is a plus of having a hard time concentrating, losing patience, and getting irritated so easily. I can’t change the weather and the noise, but I do need more rest. Please DO NOT judge me base on anyone’s personal experience. EVERYONE IS DIFFEREN! This is just MY biological clock. Sigh.. I just know myself too well..


In short, I need sleep..

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So sad... that my favorite aerobic teacher, the one who is so famous and popular, and has been so professional and dedicated, said that she had to let go her Body Combat class at True.. because she cannot handle two times of combat classes each week anymoreCrying. Sigh, there’s no way members can find another fantabulous teacher like her that soon. Hopefully, True will accept the suggestion to change the class to High Low or anything like that, or else I’ll go bother Duke again..Hot

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Several things that really kill me


1. Breaking up / losing family members

2. Waking up early

3. Waking up in early cold days

4. Noise

5. Pre period syndromes


Except for no number one (THANK GOD!!), everything is so severe this month..

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這個社會是這樣的:從小被教育著不能輸在起跑點!!!”(這樣就會贏@@?)或者是要有競爭力!!!”(還不知道這假想敵到底在哪裡@@!?) 所以,離開了單純的校園和家園後,人會慣性的害怕自己在社會裡被搓掉,怕別人佔上風或者是把自己的工作擠掉(over的人是想辦法去把別人擠掉)。所以有些人必須靠著不時的否定別人,好來肯定自己,他們應該是認為這是一種自信和自我肯定的表現,(但在我看來只是一種淺意識表達出來的自卑。)我有的時候必須要靠著肯定別人來證明自己的成就,好像說我若自認為自己英文好並不是真正的好,我的學生說的好,比賽可以得獎,可以通過國家認證的檢定考試,這樣我的成就才是真正的成就;在我以前擁有一個夢寐以求的團隊時,我巴不得我的每一個組員都有能力可以把我PK(不過那個時候她們沒有大膽到敢來找我PK..害羞),因為她們的成就就是我的成就。唔~~??發生什麼事??沒發生什麼事,誠如標題所述,純粹碎念。。。

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Here are some reasons why I like winter. (well.. I don’t really like winter.. so wait wait, let me rephrase it.)

Here are some reasons why I think winter is OK

1. I can put on my favorite tna and second favorite AF clothes. (But I already find out they are over thick for winter in Taiwan.. 不甘啜泣 because they are designed for North American winter.. )

2. Christmas is in winter.

3. Christmas is in winter.

4. Christmas is in winter.

5. It’s the season for hot pot. (Actually I eat hot pot throughout the year.)


And here are some reasons why I dislike winter

1. I have a hard time waking up in winter (because of lower blood pressure)

2. I get dropsy and need to use the toilet very often. This makes me feel very uncomfortable.

3. I still sweat most of the time, especially when wearing long sleeve.

4. I sometimes need to force myself wearing long sleeve to avoid other people’s shocking eyesight, especially my dad and my families. so sometimes I feel embarrassed and awkward when wearing 短袖&短褲 in winter.

5. It is usually still not too cold for me somehow, but I can still get sick for coldness.


So, in general, I like autumn.

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  • Nov 21 Fri 2008 23:24
  • 雙B


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本週有氧老師先跑發表了第38套拳,我也很配合的努力用力打,結果是我又腰酸背好痛滴..不甘啜泣 一路從肩膀、背、腰、臀到大腿,然後小腿是腫的..

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Okay. Here is the thing. I may look outgoing or unstable; I may also look playful or like a party girl; in fact, I’ve gone clubbing no more than five times within seven years. I went there as a gym thing when I was twenty, now I go to a real gym instead. 我不去東區鬼混,可是我會去東區吃東西和逛街;我不去夜店;但是這並不代表我必須穿的很宅的在路上走動;我會晚睡,這並不代表我都在外面很忙,要忙到三更半夜




There’s no way I can force how others want to think of me, but it is nearly always beneficial, especially for men, to be open minded, and DO NOT prejudge other people, base on your shallow life experience or male chauvinism thing, before you know more about anyone. If you COULDN'T HELP but want to deem I am like that, just shut the fucxxng up.



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我是懶鬼,基本上只要不是太粗糙且少肉的食物我都會吃,除了家人朋友或是my girlz以外, 其他的人千萬不要問我"要吃什麼?"或者是"去哪裡好?"Thanks for all the etiquette and kindness, but I’d be more grateful if you can help me solve these trivialities, in this restless world.

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自從我進公司以來,一直到現在適逢年底結婚季,我真他x的覺得那些娶了我同事或朋友的男人真的是絕頂聰明。有些男人害怕給這種承諾,他們殊不知,只要是心愛的男人給下承諾,通常到最後,那個義無反顧守護家園的多是女人(but maybe this is something they DO NOT need.)唔~~??算了,我這個單身滴還是不要多作揣測好了。

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