Okay. Here is the thing. I may look outgoing or unstable; I may also look playful or like a party girl; in fact, I’ve gone clubbing no more than five times within seven years. I went there as a gym thing when I was twenty, now I go to a real gym instead. 我不去東區鬼混,可是我會去東區吃東西和逛街;我不去夜店;但是這並不代表我必須穿的很宅的在路上走動;我會晚睡,這並不代表我都在外面很忙,要忙到三更半夜




There’s no way I can force how others want to think of me, but it is nearly always beneficial, especially for men, to be open minded, and DO NOT prejudge other people, base on your shallow life experience or male chauvinism thing, before you know more about anyone. If you COULDN'T HELP but want to deem I am like that, just shut the fucxxng up.




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